Equity for a Sustainable Future - Get 20% off the Diploma when you enrol by 10th March


Graduate Story: Bronwyn Hall McLoughlin

Bronwyn Hall McLoughlin

“The course offers an excellent overview and foundation of the topic of business sustainability”

Bronwyn Hall McLoughlin
People. Planet. Change
Diploma in Business Sustainability Graduate

Why did you decide to complete the Diploma in Business Sustainability course?

I’ve been working in human capital, business change and transformation for three decades. Doing work with purpose and positive outcomes for people has always been very important to me. After completing several contracts where that concept of purpose seemed more like a tagline than a reality, I felt I needed to step back and reconsider how I refocus on purpose again. When I was invited to a Sustainability Awards event by a client, I took this as a sign. I realised I wanted to build on my previous experience in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and I decided to explore studies in sustainability. 

What made you choose the course at the Institute of Sustainability Studies? 

There were 3 main reasons I chose this program. Firstly, it was based in Ireland, giving me local context and would help to build my sustainability network. Secondly, the price point was very competitive, and finally, it seemed to cover most of the sustainability topics I wanted to focus on. 

The fact that ISS has regular programmes running makes it an easy decision because you don’t have to wait around for the next semester to begin like with other educational providers.

How was your learning experience on the course?

The Diploma in Business Sustainability course offers an excellent overview and foundation of the topic of business sustainability.  The quality and quantity of knowledge I have taken away from the course across a multitude of topics has been invaluable. I also enjoyed the opportunity to interact with my peers and network. As a result of the learnings I’ve taken from this program, I felt confident to enrol in a Masters in Sustainability, enabling me to dive deeper into the Sustainability field.

What did you enjoy most about the course? 

There were 3 topics that I found of particular interest – Sustainable Development Goals, Circular Economy, and Decarbonisation.  The learnings from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) module quickly enabled me to start discussions with a client to frame their sustainability plan, while the workshop on circular economy and how this can transform business models, was of particular interest for my work in change and transformation.  There are a couple of people I’m still in contact with from my cohort, so the course also helped me build my sustainability network, particularly in Ireland. 

My studies in sustainability have given me a new lens through which to view business and my own way of living.  I think there are many misconceptions about sustainable development, natural capital, social impact and climate change.  Everyone in business needs to have a foundational understanding of the issues and potential solutions to ensure we can collectively solve these very complex issues together. 


If you are interested in gaining a comprehensive and practical understanding of key sustainability concepts and learning to implement sustainability best practices to confidently lead sustainability initiatives within your organisation, or advance your career in sustainability, start your learning journey today with the Diploma in Business Sustainability.


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Diploma in Business Sustainability

Want to gain a comprehensive understanding of sustainability best practices and get equipped with the practical knowledge needed to lead sustainability initiatives at your organisation?