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What is meant by holistic wellness and sustainability?

Holistic wellness and sustainability

Although businesses should primarily focus their environmental conservation efforts on reducing damage to nature, the connection between holistic wellness and sustainability should be recognised in every corporate sustainability strategy. Climate change can impact our well-being and health in a multitude of ways. 

Namely, through the impacts of extreme weather events, changes in the spread of infectious diseases, and the worsening of air quality. Threats to food and water security and quality can also heighten stress levels and lead to eco-anxiety. Keep reading as we dive into holistic wellness and its connection to sustainability. 

What is holistic wellness?

Holistic wellness is often considered complementary health, natural health, or alternative health. However, within the concept, there are a variety of different treatment approaches. These treatment approaches are quite individualised for the unique needs of each person. In other words, they assess the underlying causes of systems as opposed to just curing the symptoms with prescription drugs. 

These treatments span acupressure, energy healing, massage, meditation, homoeopathy, environmental health, vitamin supplementation, yoga, nutritional health counselling, and organic sustainable farming. The idea of holistic health is all about promoting harmony and balance for the individual, planet, and society.

Why holistic wellness and sustainability go hand in hand

We are currently living in a time where we are dealing with more chemicals and pollutants. These harmful substances are in our environment and food more than ever before. They are not only harming the planet but impacting people’s physical and mental well-being. 

The environment we inhabit is pivotal to our well-being. Venturing unpolluted waters, eating healthy food, and breathing fresh air are all activities that feel good. What’s more, fresh air, clean water, and sunlight are all prerequisites for physical health. For instance, spending time in open green spaces has been found to enhance our mood. 

A thriving ecosystem also offers us nutrition and a way to sustain ourselves. Therefore, the health of the planet is essential to ensuring the well-being of all occupying the Earth. Protecting and valuing the world we live in also helps us to achieve a more peaceful and calmer state of mind. 

With all of this in mind, consumers are getting concerned about their health, and there has never been a higher demand for holistic wellness. Those professionals who offer holistic wellness therapies are experts in every kind of health restoration. Each of these forms offers a unique toolbox of knowledge and skills to enable patients to achieve whole-body balance and health.


Holistic wellness and sustainability are intrinsically linked as the warming planet presents threats to our physical health and mental well-being. It is believed that advancing sustainable development will have a direct positive impact on wellness. 

This connection has resulted in the United Nations embedding health and wellness into its Sustainable Development Goals. If you want to build a more responsible brand, education is the first step. Attend our Online Information Session to learn more about how you can harness sustainability knowledge to guide you on your journey.

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