“The courses offered very good information and the online format was great”
Matt Bingham
Technical Manager at Titan Steel Wheels Limited
Diploma in Business Sustainability and Certificate in CSRD Graduate
Can you tell me about your professional background?
I’m the Technical Manager at Titan Steel Wheels Limited, a global market leader in the design, development, and manufacturing of off-highway multi-piece wheels.
Why did you decide to do our courses?
I wanted to increase my understanding of the less technical modules such as biodiversity and sustainable procurement. I was also keen to get a grasp on the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).
Why did you choose ISS as your educational provider?
I looked at another programme but ultimately found the ISS courses were more comprehensive. In other words, the ISS courses had dedicated modules and covered a lot more ground.Â
How was your learning experience?Â
The courses offered really good information, and I really appreciated that the course format was online and self-paced, so it wouldn’t interfere with my work or vice-versa. It was fantastic to be able to fit the learning around my schedule. The CSRD course was also very useful because while it’s Europe-focused, we’re part of a European group based in the UK, so it will be a focus area for us. I enjoyed the learning platform and particularly the knowledge checks after each section to know where you went wrong and how you are progressing overall.
What topics did you gravitate towards the most?Â
I enjoyed biodiversity but also the reporting side of things. I already had knowledge in relation to carbon, so it was nice to learn about some new areas.
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