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Graduate Story: Oke Epia

Graduate Story Oke Epia

“Following the course, I gained new and valuable ideas for my sustainability business”

Oke Epia
Founder/Chief Executive at SOStainability
Diploma in Business Sustainability Graduate

Why did you decide to do a business sustainability course?

My background is in public communications and public policy. I became increasingly interested in sustainability and climate change and felt it would be good to do a course to get a general overview. I always had an interest in climate change but I was curious to learn more about sustainability.

Why did you choose the Institute of Sustainability Studies as your educational provider?

The course promised an extensive overview of sustainability in business, which was what I was looking for. 

Has the course helped you speak about sustainability more confidently?

I wasn’t completely new to the topic, but the course learnings definitely reinforced my knowledge and helped me to speak more confidently about sustainability and how that links to climate change. 

Can you tell me about your learning experience on the course?

The course being online was very convenient, and I found it very good that I could take it up in my own time, at my own pace. The technology itself was very user-friendly. My only regret is not interacting more with other participants in the community channel. 

My focus was more on learning at the time, but if I could do anything differently, I would have utilised the community channel more. I found the faculty to be very knowledgeable, and I’ve enjoyed having access to the Masterclass Series, which has been quite valuable. The Masterclasses have been a great opportunity to interact with others and put faces to the names of people in the channel. 

What has been the impact of doing the course for your career?

Following completion of the Diploma in Business Sustainability course, I started designing new ideas for my business. It’s a platform called SOStainability, and the course has essentially allowed me to expand my thinking in terms of designing the necessary products and services. The course has also given me knowledge in terms of policies and practices within the space, which has been helpful. Finally, the course has inspired me to engage in further learning on sustainability.

What were your favourite topics in the course?

I really liked the circular economy module; it exposed me to lots of learning and gave me a lot of ideas I’m eager to continue exploring. I also enjoyed learning about greenwashing and green communication due to my background in public communication. 

What would you say to someone who is on the fence about doing the course?

Jump on it! It’ll be a great addition to your professional profile, and this is an area everyone needs to become knowledgeable in. 


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Diploma in Business Sustainability

Want to gain a comprehensive understanding of sustainability best practices and get equipped with the practical knowledge needed to lead sustainability initiatives at your organisation?